Head Space

Imagine a place where, by simply being there, boosts your confidence, uplifts your thoughts and broadens your mind so as to make room for the ambition and optimism that is about to inhabit/set in. 
Imagine a place where the time you've spent there makes you realize who you are as a person and figure out what you want in life. 
Imagine yourself coming back from a place where you've established a group of genuine friends, where you've adapted to the city's whereabouts as if it were the back of your hand, where planning trips was feasible in a few weeks and where you felt it was home...Why would you leave?  

Alas, the countdown had begun: six weeks, four weeks, two weeks left...
Not all good things have to come to an end, I thought, entertaining the idea to carry on another year. 
Leaving a place where memories could not be duplicated, where even the low points were overshadowed by the high ones (see: "Korea Galore" post).
Deciding to c
ome back was a struggle, battling thoughts of nobleness due to promises made of my return, second guessing the next place to go to...

Driving home from the airport seemed like an illusion, a dream. But as the first week passed, Korea became the dream. Contemplating a time frame for my next move was my mission, my thirst for it was irrevocably palpable. The fear of reverting to a morose and complacent state would stay buried and never see the light of day. I'm letting my thoughts wander off the edge of the world: Australia.


  1. Soon I'll be leaving Korea behind too. So many good memories were made here (some bad ones too). It'll be hard to part with this place, but it's time for the next chapter-- for both of us. Good luck in Australia. -J


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