Here are some videos of our trip in Thailand I was able to recover from my lousy phone. Seriously, my iPhone's ineptitude is so apparent in comparison to the prodigious Samsungs I have seen. Their capabilities are immeasurable. First thing I am getting upon my return, is a Samsung S5 (Samsung, I'll take a check).

The video does not show our elephant ride since it was very bumpy and dungy, nor does it show the tiger meetings because well, they were passed the eff out. It's just random snippets of what we encountered and experienced throughout the trip. All our pictures however, are posted on Laura and my Facebook page if you haven't seen them. 

I am in the process of writing last month's post, I'm just waiting until next week because tomorrow is the Charity date auction for CARE (Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth) and I'd like to include how it goes. I'm not sure what I put myself into since I'm in freakin' Asia but what the frick, it's about animals! I'm all about them and who knows, maybe I could send the footage to Animal Planet and get my own show. No but really, I need my own show.   

(Side note: if you have accessed through your phone, the video may not appear. Click here and it will take you to the YouTube video. I think....)


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