Something Else

I haven't had the energy or motivation to write anything even though this blog is due for a post. This lapse in update is most likely due to the lack in faith I have in my work place or how the tense atmosphere and being there 50 hours a week makes me feel (spoiler alert: like shit). Good thing I spiked my coffee an hour ago because I feel like I can write a book (I actually have to write a lesson plan on 8 units by tomorrow morning because, you know, the principal. I also do stuff last minute-- I won't let her take ALL the blame, c'mon).  

I have a million videos of Thailand to put into a short movie but it already feels like it happened eons ago and you're probably uninterested at this point. But here are cliff notes:

Laura and I had a great time. After throwing up our guts the first two days, we sun bathed, canoed, fed monkeys, chilled with passed out tiger cubs, hopped from island to island, rode elephants and witnessed plenty of nature callings (ifyouknowwhatimean); saw a vagina show (synopsis: demure and elegant women bewitch us by pulling objects and live animals out of their reproductive organ. Alas, there are no videos of this artful masterpiece, my sincerest apologies); met some fab ladyboys whose tuck game was way better than Matt Lauer could ever hope to achieve; almost got in a fight with some Thai wannabe badass trick too. Thankfully for her, her trashy also wannabe friends restrained her. Haha, what a loser (let's be real, with Laura's experience in soccer, her hair pull could cause serious head trauma and since I'd been drinking liquid courage, any round kick thrown would've been catastrophic. Probably by pulling a muscle and to whoever would've been near it). Laura also got acquainted with a cockroach in our 10+ star hostel and almost regretted not showering in the fresh brown water coming out of the shower head. Safe to say this year was the best NYE I've had (f'real).

This weekend is my Indy Seoul sista's birthday. She'll be 28. We are celebrating by getting silly...with champagne. We ARE ladies after all and we like the bublé (read: bub-ah-lay). Next weekend is the Lunar New year, so we get four days off (thank the lord baby hay-sus and his disciples) and are going on a ski trip in 
Pyeongchang. The 2018 Winter Olympics will be held there, so I feel special knowing I skied and ate snow on multiple occasions before Olympic medalists actually show us how it's done. 
Although it hasn't snowed much here, it's been cold enough to have slipped on ice multiple times, and I'll be much happier walking in snow than slipping off frozen spit on the sidewalks. Koreans very much enjoy spitting their lungs out anytime, anywhere. Despitable (typo and it stays). In any case, I look forward to the bunny slopes.

I should probably change the title of this post from "Post in Progress" to something else since I pretty much did just update you. Thailand stories and videos to grace your eyes shortly (some pictures can also be seen here).


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