Summary of fisrt 3 days in SOKO! Kamsamnida!

This is a video of my first day in Seoul. I just got home from my first school day and am so exhausted I may not make any sense.

When I got in Friday night, Laura took me around her neighborhood, we got some Korean beers and called it a night. The next day, we went to get tickets for the Korea vs. Brazil game since Laura is a huge soccer fan and begged me to go ha. We waited in line for two hours but alas, the tickets were sold out. So we found a scalper. They are so sketchy, they signal us with their head and take us in the back of the trees to negotiate, as shady as they seemed though, they were so trustworthy, he gave us the tickets and let us deliberate while trying to sell other tickets to people hundreds of yards from us. Also, people leave their cars open, they are helpful and eager to practice English with you. They eat and talk with their mouth open, and also have conversations on their phone while you are at dinner with them. Very attractive, especially when food falls out of their mouths. Koreans also do not know the word "excuse me" and have no notion of personal space. I'm not even bothered by it. I was the only white person on the train today and I loved it! Speaking of the subway, they are spotless and inexpensive and so convenient.

After the game we met up with some other expats and we went to Hongdae, which is broad ripple on steroids times ten. It is where practically all the expats go to have a good time, and a good time we had!

On Sunday Laura and I went for brunch in Gangnam which is one of the richer cities. Very posh. Lots of stores and shopping and TACO BELL. It's basically the Manhattan of Seoul. So after 4pm we went home to change, locate my school, go to dinner and hike. I passed out at 6pm.

So, today I met my co-foreign teachers, we are 5, all from the US but one who is Irish.  I met the vice principle of the school who just told me how pretty I was (apparently Koreans are very blunt, she actually told one of the teachers she was ugly. That teacher is leaving in 3 weeks). Anyway, I basically am Miss America to these Korean co-teachers and children which means they all love me because of my looks. Hey... I ain't complaining!

This week I will be shadowing the teacher I am replacing. She gave me the low down on the teachers and foreign teachers and et me know to watch what I divulge since Koreans are huge gossipers and all goes back to the VP. In any case, the longest class is 45 minutes and the shortest is 20 minutes long and consists of vocabulary terms, going over homework, arts and crafts.

Here are my thoughts on the children, you need to sit down because this may shock you: they are the CUTEST little humans beings, so smart, and engaging and just adorable. They just all flocked to me  and ogled me with "ooohs" and "aaahs"and "Jen Teacher! Jen Teacher! Where are you from? Do you have a boyfriend? Are you married? When do you leave?" I also got my hand kissed a couple of times. Why didn't I do this sooner?!

After school, I went to see my apartment I will move into this Saturday and is a decent size as opposed to Laura's apartment closet (hehe) and now finishing typing this up so I can go to sleep! I am pooped and already can't wait for the weekend.

Good night!


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