Where Do All Roads Lead To?
I chose to start this blog, to keep in touch with family and friends. It's hard to keep in touch when no one is in your line of sight. I hope you will enjoy reading my thoughts, grumpiness, adventures, random ideas and contemplations and jolly jives! This month, I am applying for jobs in the environmental field while taking classes, working two jobs (that don’t pay mucho) and figuring out my life. IT SUCKS MONKEY A$$! Why have I not been hired yet? Maybe I am not applying to the right places, maybe I don’t know what I really want, or maybe I am not ready yet. I do have an advantage on my peers though: I have three times the cultural experiences than them (Thank you mom and daddy)! Don’t experiences make us who we are today? Who we are to become some day? Boy, I hope I like that person. My question is…Where do the roads we take lead us to? I have no flippin’ idea, although I have stopped to Frustratown a few times, they invited me back, and I wish not to go again… I...
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