Update: South Korea

After two and a half months of filling out forms, mailing, requesting, and becoming #1 customer with Fedex, I finally got all my papers, documents and passport ready. I am starting to interview with schools and getting a better grasp of what my life will be like.

I would have never thought of doing this. Like, ever.  It is, in a sense, somewhat out of character for me to just pick up and leave, but on the other hand, not that much…I've always been spontaneous and strange or unexpected. The excitement of it all keeps me going and fills me with new found hope and stimulates me to a point of exhilaration.  
However, if I had known how long and frustrating this process was going to be, I proooooobably would have had second thoughts. Usually, if something is too much work and I do not see an end result or know what the outcome will be, I give up. But I had this feeling. I knew that no matter how difficult and discouraging this is, I would make it happen for myself. When my recruiter was doing less than a stellar job at communicating and keeping me informed, I took matters into my own hands, otherwise I’d be here until December. No, thank you. 
You can’t just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream, you have to get out there and make it happen for yourself. You have the ability to choose which way you want to go. You have to believe great things are going to happen in your life. Do everything you can – prepare and achieve. South Korea has one of the most beautiful fall seasons and I will be there to see it.  


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