I don't like subject lines. (No Subject)

Maybe I should start writing more...If not about sustainability, at least about something. Life. If not for the few people that might come across this blog, if any, at least for myself as I think I have been through a few obstacles. Not unsurmountable ones but I have come across some hurdles that impeded the course of my life which possibly resulted in me swerving in a different direction had they not occured.

I think people should be more open and honest about themselves and with the people they choose to have in their lives instead of being closed off for fear of judgement, losing face, and possibility of being ridiculed. Although, I consider myself to be an honest person, I have not been completely honest with myself and haven't voiced my sentiments and wishes because I thought I was being silly or asking for too much when in reality nothing can be accomplished without speaking up. If I want something I should let it be heard or go for it. The worse that could happen is...nothing. The best that could happen is a sense of relief because you've been heard and you've achieved what you've sought! Yay!

Anyway, someone influenced me to use this blog again. Forewarning:  I am not the best writer, I have bad syntax and my sentences sometimes run on forever. So if someone reading is a writing snob, I envy your skills. Being schooled in two different languages (sometimes three) can throw you off. I also tend to ramble and spew out random thoughts. I'm weird when I think about it.




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