If You Go To Vietnam: EAT ALL THE THINGS!

Guys, Captain Obvious called me. He was as surprised as me in informing that: "Holyshitballs, it's September!" Shut the front door. I swear. Here is a recap of the past two months: Gay parade. Fabulous, duh. ULTRA Music Festival Pool Party with T-Pain ( Huh? T-Pain? South Korea, really? - you ). New teaching job at an upgraded school. As I sashayed out of that retched evil place, I made sure to let the ex-supes know she was a rancid bitch who dressed like a Christmas tree (okay, I didn't say the Christmas tree part...or the bitch part...I didn't say anything). Thankfully the n ew school has some good kids and good group of foreign teachers. Where has this school been in my eight months of working? The end of an era. IndySeoulSistas hashtag becomes obsolete: Laura returns to the States #IndySoleSista VIETNAM: My time there can be summarized in one word: FOOD. However, I will expand a few h...