
This past weekend I was ranked in karate, was 41 feet in the air crossing 452 feet of trees, and squeezed in 4 hours of work in order to celebrate orbiting around the Sun for 26 years. I was up at 6:30am for Kyu testing, which is the opportunity to be ranked at kyu: white and brown belt ranking. The rankings are as followed: White belt: 8th kyu, 7th kyu, 6th kyu, 5th kyu, 4th kyu Brown belt: 3rd kyu, 2nd kyu, 1st kyu Black belt: 1st degree, 2nd degree, 3rd degree, 4th degree, 5th degree (highest degree). As of saturday I was not yet ranked since starting again in February. Obviously my goal is to become a black belt but we were reminded Saturday morning that it was not a Pass/Fail test and it is not as important what rank you are but how strong your mentality and spirit are. You are your own opponent. Shotokan founder Gichin Funakoshi has said that: [...]mind and technique become one in true karate. We strive to make our physical techniques pur...